DocEx 2017
DocEx 2017 - Document Examination and Fraud Detection in Focus
Our highly regarded DocEx sessions allow government attendees to exchange knowledge and experiences on document examination, fraud and design.
Endorsed by the UK's National Document Fraud Unit, and ECID in the Netherlands, DocEx is an integral part of the SDW experience for government attendees.
As a government official, by buying a conference pass for SDW you will have full access to all DocEx 2017 sessions in addition to all other conference sessions and the SDW exhibition, as well as all onsite refreshments and materials.
Much of the DocEx programme is open to the whole SDW conference audience, however there are specific government-only DocEx sessions planned. There will also be Meet the Document Examiner sessions, following strong positive feedback in 2016.
Discounted rates apply to attendees from goverment departments and if you buy two government places at the same time the second is half price.