Q: The conference is less than two weeks away, and I haven’t received any confirmation documents. What should I do?
Q: I have to cancel my place at the conference completely, and no one else from my organisation can attend in my place. What do I need to do?
Q: I need to cancel, but it is too late to get any sort of refund of my fee. Can I just not turn up at the conference?
Q: I may be interested in exhibiting my products and services at the event, or sponsoring. Is there an opportunity to do this?
Q: How do I register to attend the conference?
A: Online registration for the conference will be open soon; please click here to be directed to our registration page for more details. You can either pay a fixed brochure price or take advantage of special online discounting. Please note that you can pay by credit or debit card. Invoices must be settled within 30 days, or before the start of the event - which ever is sooner.
Q: What is included in the conference registration fee?
A: Your registration fee includes access to all sessions of the conference on all days; access to the exhibition hall; on-site conference materials (presentation summaries, speaker biographies, detailed event timetable and exhibition guide); access to full presentations after the event (including audio and video files) and all refreshments including luncheon. It also provides free access to our on-site social networking event/s.
Q: When should I register?
A: Please register as soon as registration is open on this website and you know that your attendance is definite. We have an innovative pricing strategy that means the earlier you book using our online booking facility, the less you pay for your place. In addition, if you book as soon as you can, the will be able to send all the relevant documentation to you in good time before the conference, and your name will be included in the published list of participants. It will also mean that you have a guaranteed place - on occasions conferences do become fully booked and regrettably we do have to turn people away. However, if your attendance is not definite - i.e. you do not yet have your funding or entry visa finalized, please do not register yet.
Q: When is the deadline for registration?
A: If you are planning to attend the conference as a delegate, there is no deadline for registration. As long as space is available at the conference, you can register right up until the conference itself. Of course if you are using our discount pricing system, we recommend booking as early as possible to obtain the best discounts.
Q: It is very near to the conference, can I still pre-register?
A: If the conference is fully booked, we will announce it on our website. If there is no such announcement, we will still have places available, please contact the as soon as possible.
Q: Is it possible to register on the day?
A: Please check our website to ensure that there are still places available. If there are, you will be able to register on-site. We do require payment in full for on-site registrations, and we will be unable to issue invoices. We accept payment by cash or credit/debit card (MasterCard and Visa). Regrettably we are unable to accept American Express or Diners Card.
Q: The conference is less than two weeks away, and I haven’t received any confirmation documents. What should I do?
A: This could mean either that your order was not processed successfully, and you are not registered, or that our confirmation documents have not reached you successfully. Please contact the as soon as possible to check the status of your registration.
Q: I have sent my registration form to the conference secretariat. When should I expect to receive confirmation?
A: All registrations are acknowledged in writing, and you will receive a confirmation letter, an invoice/receipt for your registration fee, and an information sheet giving details on how to travel to the conference and registration times etc. This is sent by airmail for early registrations, and by fax for registrations received just prior to the conference. Please allow approximately one week´s delivery time. We aim to process registrations within 7 days of receipt. If we anticipate a delay in processing your registration form, an email acknowledging receipt of your form will be sent to you.
Q: I have registered, but I notice that my invoice is not for the correct amount. What should I do?
A: Please contact the as soon as possible, giving details of the problem, so that we can rectify it.
Q: I am not yet sure if I can definitely attend the conference. Can I register now and then cancel later, or just not turn up at the conference?
A: If you are not sure whether you can attend, please do not register at this stage. Cancellation terms and conditions apply to your registration from the moment that you submit your registration form to us, as we will then be holding a place at the conference specifically for you. We incur prepaid costs for each place booked; for example for your conference catering and for conference materials, regardless of whether you ultimately attend or not, which is the reason for the cancellation charge. In addition if you book a place, and the conference becomes fully booked, you will be preventing someone else from attending. If you cancel your registration more than 28 days prior to the event, you will be liable for a 50% cancellation fee. After this time, or if you do not attend the conference, you will be liable for 100% of the registration fee.
Q: I have to cancel my place at the conference. Can a colleague attend in my place?
A: Yes - please just inform the in writing. Don’t forget to include the full contact details of the person who will be attending in your place. Substitutions do not incur any extra charges or cancellation fees, as long as the replacement is entitled to any special pricing you may have received, if any (i.e. government or academic status).
Q: I have to cancel my place at the conference completely, and no one else from my organisation can attend in my place. What do I need to do?
A: Please contact the in writing in order to cancel the place fully. Cancellation terms will apply, and the cancellation charge will depend on the date of your cancellation.
Q: I need to cancel, but it is too late to get any sort of refund of my fee. Can I just not turn up at the conference?
A: We would prefer that you inform the of your cancellation for our records, regardless of whether you are due a refund or not.
Q: When do I need to pay my registration fee?
A: Your registration fee must be paid in full by the date of the conference in order to ensure that you are allowed entry to conference sessions.
Q: How do I pay my registration fee?
A: You can either complete your registration form online and pay for your registration by credit/debit card, (MasterCard or Visa), or contact Science Media Partners to make a telephone booking. Please click here to be directed to our online booking system. Alternatively payment can be made via invoice, but payment must be received before the start of the event.
Q: Have you received my payment?
A: Please refer to the invoice/receipt which was sent to you as part of your registration confirmation pack. This document will contain any payment details which we received at time of registration, and will be marked "fully paid" if payment has already been processed. If you have any further queries, please contact the .
Q: I notice that there is VAT to pay on the registration fee, but my institute is VAT-exempt. Does this mean that I can pay the fee without the VAT?
A: Unfortunately, no, you still have to pay the VAT. Your institute may be exempt from paying VAT on goods purchased, but conferences are classified as a service supplied where performed, and therefore the VAT must be charged. For further details please consult the current VAT Act - Articles 9 and 15 - The Sixth VAT Directive - sect.77/388 which defines the place of supply of services.
Q: Will I automatically get a receipt for my registration fee?
A: Yes, in your registration confirmation pack, you will receive a confirmation invoice and a receipt if we have received your payment. If you require any other type of receipt document, please contact our Conference Secretariat.
Q: I may be interested in exhibiting my products and services at the event, or sponsoring. Is there an opportunity to do this?
A: If you are interested in exhibiting or sponsoring the event, please contact our Exhibition Manager, for further details of costs and availability.
Q: What materials will I get when I arrive at the conference?
A: You will receive the final printed program and conference abstracts plus a list of participants. You will also receive a name badge at the registration desk, which we ask you to wear throughout conference hours for security purposes. Full presentations, including audio and video files, will be available shortly after the event.
Q: Will I receive a full list of participants including mailing addresses and email addresses when I arrive at the conference?
A: Regrettably, due to data protection restrictions, we are prohibited from giving out these details. The list you receive at the conference will include the name, organisation and country of each delegate, but no further details.
Q: Is there a specific dress code for the conference sessions or for any of the other conference events?
A: There is no specific dress code for the conference sessions. However, most people dress either smart-casual or wear a suit and tie.
Q: How do I book accommodation for the conference.
A: Please see the Accommodation section of our website for our hotel options. Please note that you should book early to guarantee availability at lower rates.
Q: I am unable to come to the registration session at the start of the conference. Can I register at a later stage?
A: Yes, the conference information and registration desk will be staffed throughout conference hours for queries and late registrations.