Free Seminar Theatre at SDW 2017
The SDW 2017 exhibition will again host an innovative and interactive Free Seminar Theatre that will feature a range of industry experts and senior security officials.
The Free Seminar programme at SDW 2017 offers a diverse series of sessions on a mix of subjects, including market trends, border intelligence, digital identity and combating document fraud.
The seminar programme is free to attend for all visitors.
SDW 2016 Seminars
The SDW 2017 seminar programme will be announced in Spring 2017. For information, the SDW 2016 seminar programme is below:
SDW 2016 seminar programme outline
Wednesday 11 May 2016
Disruptive Technology trends in Security Print to 2026
- Highlights of the key disruptive technologies in security printing;
- Exclusive market data for the global security printing industry;
- Market drivers and trends.
James Cooke, Business Development Manager, Smithers Pira, UK
Genesius and Amberhill - The Met’s strategy to combat document fraud
- Hear from two experienced Metropolitan Police Detectives how the police tackle the proliferation of counterfeit documents;
- Learn how organised criminal gangs are setting up document factories;
- See a selection of identity documents - can you spot the counterfeit?
- Identity Crime - it’s impact on society.
DC Henry McQuilliam and DC Mike Preou, Serious and Organised Crime Command (SCD7), Amberhill, Metropolitan Police, UK
Border intelligence and insight – assuring identity, managing risk
- The importance of identity assurance in the travel Industry;
- Facilitating the passenger experience through greater sharing of data throughout the entire journey;
- A vision of the art of the possible…..
Andy Smith, Director, Government Services, SITA, UK
ABC: a success story?
- How did/do Automated Border Control (ABC) change our Borders?
- What kind of risks are we facing when implementing ABCs?
- ABCs, what will our future look like?
Alex van Duuren, Independent Consultant on ID Management and ABC, AVDSolutions / Dexeq, The Netherlands
Thursday 12 May 2016
Seminar: Building a common understanding of eIDAS LoAs.
Participants will gain a detailed understanding of:
- The eIDAS regulation and the implementing acts (objective, scope, timeline, obligations etc.) for non- experts;
- Levels of Assurance according to eIDAS (definition, scope, evaluation);
- Historical correspondence between LoAs (ISO, Stork, eIDAS)
- Difficulties in establishing common referentials in LoA evaluation
Isabelle Poulard, Secure Identity Alliance eServices Workgroup Member, France
Inkjet technologies for secure document production
- From personalisation to document production;
- What is available for Secure Document printing?
- Identifying the opportunities and the threats.
Alan Hodgson, Printing Consultant, Alan Hodgson Consulting, UK