Media Partners
SDW acknowledges the support of the following media partners.
ABI Research • Acuity Market Intelligence • Alda Media • • Biometrie-Online •
Card & Payments World • CBRNE-Terrorism Newsletter •
Copybook • Counter Terror Business • Cyber Security Review •
Embassy • European Reseller •
Fraud Watch • Frost & Sullivan • Global Security Mag •
Global Security Solutions • Goode Intelligence • • ID and Secure Document News • IHS Global • In-Security •
ISDEF • International Airport Review • • Mobile Security Brief •
Professional Security • • Security Middle East • Smart Insights •
Smithers Pira • • • Watermark
If you are interested in becoming a media partner, please contact: Pam Chattin Email::
ABI Research
ABI Research is a market intelligence company specializing in global technology markets. Our unique blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis helps us to quantify the important markets of today, define the strategic technologies of tomorrow, and provide insight on how technology is adopted into vertical markets.
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Acuity Market Intelligence
Acuity Market Intelligence is an emerging technology strategy and research consultancy with a proven record of accurately anticipating Biometric and Electronic Identity (eID) market trends. Founded in 2001 to bring strategic market development expertise to the nascent biometrics market, Acuity consistently provides original, thought-provoking, accurate, and reliable biometric and eID industry insight and analysis via off the shelf reports, custom research, and strategic consulting engagements. Acuity's data-driven, Rigorous Intuition approach is applied to three key practice areas: Secure Documents, Automated Border Control, and Mobile Biometrics. The latest biometric and eID news and views can be found at Acuity's eID eUpdate Blog, via twitter, and on the Biometrics UnPlugged LinkedIn group.
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Alda Media
Alda Media is a research company located in Finland. Our focus area is aligned with photography, biometrics, use of networks and government applications for military, police, customs, border guard and prison environment.
Alda Media Press Service focuses its work on the IT and related subjects. We do testing and evaluation for software and hardware.
Find out more at: is the leading news property that publishes breaking news, analysis, and research about the global biometrics market, published by the Biometrics Research Group, a leading market research supplier and consultancy to the global biometric industry.
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Biometrie-Online is a French portal to encourage and support the exchange of information on biometric technology. The aim of Biometrie-Online is to act as a platform for the promotion and understanding of biometric technologies in the French language countries.
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Card & Payments World
Card & Payments World is the highly respected international newsletter that has been providing in-depth information on the global card industry for over 20 years.
Card & Payments World searches out the stories you won't find elsewhere, and covers all industry sectors including mobile and internet payments.
A subscription to Card & Payments World includes an online daily news service with email alerts, a published newsletter every month, access to our Source Book and special reports.
To download and read your complimentary copy of Card & Payments World just click below.
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CBRNE-Terrorism Newsletter
CBRNE-Terrorism Newsletter is a free of charge monthly online edition dedicated to CBRNE-CT First Responders distributed in more than 80 countries worldwide.
Find out more at:
Copybook is a leading online B2B platform with the latest news and developments in the security market from across the globe.
Are you looking for a particular security product or service? Copybook contains a comprehensive suppliers directory covering all aspects of the security industry.
Want to stay up to date with a specific sector? Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest info straight to your mailbox. Each week you receive the latest upcoming industry events and supplier developments.
Copybook is a valuable resource for any professional, helping them stay up to date with the security market and win new contracts.
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Counter Terror Business
Counter Terror Business is the premier magazine that is dedicated to looking at effective counter terrorism strategies as well as keeping up to date with emerging threats, information from Central Government, defence and emergency services procurement updates and so on.
Released quarterly, our audience totals around 26,000 with the print issue plus another 90,000 with the digital issue. They are all of the key people within: Intelligence Services, Police, Home Offices, Ministries of Defence, Border Control, Customs, Aviation and Port authorities, Local and Central Government departments plus key individuals and organisations in the Private sector.
We have an 'Editorial Advisory Panel' in place consisting of key people from a number of important associations and other organisations who advise and help us to ensure that we carry the most relevant content at the right times and that it is of the highest quality. Our regular contributors are of the highest calibre. These include: The National Crime agency; HM Prison service; Metropolitan police and the Home office etc. and it is because we are positioned in this way that our audience looks to Counter terror Business for news, procurement updates and coverage of key industry conferences and exhibitions.
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Cyber Security Review
The Cyber Security Review is uniquely positioned to draw on the combined knowledge, skills and expertise of the cyber security community to identify the emerging threats and facilitate the international community’s development of coherent policies and robust capabilities to protect cyberspace, improve security and enhance confidence in the resilience of the cyber-enabled world.
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Embassy is the UK’s first-ever digital magazine and networking forum dedicated to London’s foreign diplomatic and consular community. Our monthly magazine contains a digest of diplomatic news, views and interviews, while our popular series of seminars and conferences on a range of themes is the ideal networking platform, offering diplomats and those organisations that work closely with embassies and high commissions the opportunity to meet and exchange information on pertinent issues.
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European Reseller
For 15 years we have been bringing together I.C.T. business partners in EMEA.
Are you looking for Resellers and Distributors, we offer channel development and awareness!
We have booths at over 15 International exhibitions each year, to recruit Distributors and resellers for our clients.
17-20,000 copies of our international publication for the IT channel are distributed from our stands at exhibitions, in Eastern & Western Europe including France, UK, Turkey, Holland, Germany, Hungary, Sweden, Spain, Poland, Czech Rep and Russia.
Our website had an average of about 50,000 unique visitors during 2015 and about 3 million hits in 2014.
The magazine is published quarterly.
Find out more at: and
Fraud Watch
Fraud Watch is the only international newsletter to cover all aspects of financial fraud, including legislation and regulatory changes, compliance, card fraud, money laundering, counterfeiting, anti-terrorism, mortgage fraud, whistleblowing and internal fraud.
Subscribers get exclusive access to the members section for: Daily online news; PDF files of past and current issues of Fraud Watch; Features and research. Published six times a year it is the essential early warning system for financial industry professionals.
To download and read your complimentary copy of Fraud Watch then just click below.
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Frost & Sullivan
Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, works in collaboration with clients to leverage visionary innovation that addresses the global challenges and related growth opportunities that will make or break today's market participants.
Our “Growth Partnership” supports clients by addressing these opportunities and incorporating two key elements driving visionary innovation: The Integrated Value Proposition and The Partnership Infrastructure.
The Integrated Value Proposition provides support to our clients throughout all phases of their journey to visionary innovation including: research, analysis, strategy, vision, innovation and implementation.
The Partnership Infrastructure is entirely unique as it constructs the foundation upon which visionary innovation becomes possible. This includes our 360 degree research, comprehensive industry coverage, career best practices as well as our global footprint of more than 40 offices.
For more than 50 years, we have been developing growth strategies for the global 1000, emerging businesses, the public sector and the investment community.
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Global Security Mag
Global Security Mag is a quarterly magazine and website in French and English.
Global Security Magazine is a logical & physical IT security magazine circulated to 5,000 decision makers, typically the CSO.
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Global Security Solutions
Having been in the security industry for the past 15 years we have a wealth of experience of online portals. Most “Internet Portal’s” these days are far to complex, and filled with unnecessary and irrelevant information. Global Security Solutions have created an Online Portal which provides both buyers and suppliers across the globe with an effective way of communication to get their message out. We at Global Security Solutions have been in the industry long enough to know what works and will assist you in “pointing” your company in the right direction when it comes to your online advertising.
Our website is built from scratch to cater for all security companies. If you are a SME that is just starting up or a well established multinational Corporation, we at Global Security Solutions have the online advertising solution for you. The parent company Global Media Solutions is an Online resource for all your needs. From web hosting to webdesign. Ensure a good start to your new business.
A great deal of effort was put into the building and the platform that updates the website on a daily basis. This to insure that if you are searching or advertising your security product on the site, it will be very easy for you to navigate.
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Goode Intelligence
Goode Intelligence is an established analyst and consultancy company with over nine years of business experience. Founded by Alan Goode in 2007, the company is headquartered in London, UK, and serves clients around the globe. Goode Intelligence specializes in mobile security, authentication, identity and biometrics. We have three core business areas; Reports, Custom Research and Consulting. Goode Intelligence publishes a range of publications including market analyst, market intelligence, white papers, product evaluation and survey reports.
Our biometrics publications include:
· Analyst Reports:
o The Mobile as an Authentication Device (2009)
o Mobile Biometric Security (2011 and 2012)
o Mobile & Wearable Biometric Authentication (2014 and 2015)
o Biometrics for Financial Services Series (2015)
§ Biometrics for Banking
§ Biometrics for Payments
§ Mobile Biometrics for Financial Services
· Market Intelligence reports
o Fingerprint Biometrics (monthly)
o Mobile & Wearable Biometrics (monthly)
· White Papers:
o The impact of privacy and data protection legislation on biometric authentication (BehavioSec)
o Putting the Mobile Network Operator at the heart of authentication services with Nok Nok Labs’ FIDO Ready products (Nok Nok Labs)
o The case for mobile multifactor verification (PassBan)
o Mobile Eats the World (RSA and EyeVerify)
Find out more
and also
HOMELAND SECURITY is a publishing house that produces specialist periodicals. “Homeland Security“ is a quarterly specialist periodical in German language and “Global Security“ is released twice a year in English language. They focus on international political, scientific, technical and additional up-to-date challenges arising from the sectors of safety and security, civil protection, disaster assistance and security research. The periodicals aim at decision makers in politics, ministries, public services and industry. Our specialist editorial team is located all over the world (e. g. USA, Canada, Australia, Asia). Accordingly, reporting is being carried out on the spot.
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ID and Secure Document News
ID & Secure Document News is a comprehensive information source that focuses on developments in ID and travel documents.
ID & Secure Document News comprises 12 issues per year, each with 8 pages plus regular supplements and special reports. Each issue includes news, features on technologies, information on case studies and successful applications, interviews with key figures involved in specification, production, issuance and management of ID and travel documents, as well as in-depth commentary and analysis to give you the inside track on the key players and on winning technologies and systems for the protection, production and issuance of travel and identity documents.
Published by Reconnaissance International ID & Secure Documents News provides:
· Latest in security features, methods and systems
· Specifications, directives and characteristics of new ID documents
· Production, personalisation and integration systems and equipment
· Devices for data capture, verification and forensic analysis
· Corporate developments among component, systems and finished product suppliers
· Case studies showcasing examples of new travel and ID programmes around the world
· Specifications, directives and standards from ICAO, the EU, ISO and other international organizations
· New contracts and tenders
· Market projections
· Systems and solutions for the future
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IHS Global
IHS Inc. (NYSE: IHS) is the leading source of information, insight and analytics in critical areas that shape today’s business landscape. Businesses and governments in more than 150 countries around the globe rely on the comprehensive content, expert independent analysis and flexible delivery methods of IHS to make high-impact decisions and develop strategies with speed and confidence. IHS has been in business since 1959 and became a publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange in 2005. Headquartered in Englewood, Colorado, USA, IHS is committed to sustainable, profitable growth and employs about 8,800 people in 32 countries around the world.
In Security, the magazine for buyers of security products across the UK and Europe, allows its advertisers to gain access to over 35,000 security professionals with its high profile distribution. The magazine’s hard copy distribution combined with a carefully designed and managed email circulation, ensures that its clients advertising spend is maximised.
The magazine is produced and distributed 5 times per year in an A4 glossy format with issues being posted in February, April, June, September and November.
Leading international consultants, practitioners and journalists offer unique insights into what makes the security industry tick. In Security provides meticulously researched in depth features, case studies, interviews and thought-provoking editorials to showcase best practice when it comes to the specific intention of identifying and purchasing security solutions appropriate for turning strategy into reality. It addresses the problems and challenges facing everyone involved in the development and preparation chain and in the process serves to produce more than a few answers and solutions.
In Security targets installers, distributors and consultants in the security industry throughout Europe. The aim of the publication is to educate an influential audience of security professionals about your products and services through our informative editorial and promotion.
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ISDEF was established in 2007 and has over the past ten years rapidly developed into the leading Defense and Homeland Security Exhibition in Israel. ISDEF 2017 expects 250 exhibiting companies and 15,000 visitors from across the globe. ISDEF brings together the entire supply chain, from large prime contractors to supplying companies. Attracting end users from civil/public security and military sectors, including top level international military staff and major procurement officials, ISDEF’s priority is to increase the defense and security trade with allies and partners by integrating unique solutions, technologies, equipment and capabilities to provide the ultimate platform, to not only help countries better deal with their security challenges, but also strengthen diplomatic ties.
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International Airport Review
International Airport Review is the leading bi-monthly publication serving the aviation industry worldwide. Designed to address new technologies and developments, readers are kept up-to-date with articles covering topics including Airport Profiles, ARFF and recovery, ATC / ATM, Friction Testing, Ground Handling, IT and Technology, Meteorology, In-Terminal operations and Security. ABC audited, International Airport Review is distributed to 10,094 key decision makers across the globe.
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Market, a publication of Market Research Media Ltd, provides the latest market intelligence, market analysis, comprehensive technology insights and a wealth of market research reports.
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Mobile Security Brief (affiliated to Smart Card News)
Mobile Security Brief is a monthly independent international newsletter covering all aspects of the mobile, smart card and identity industry. With the latest news, opinion pieces and technical tutorials from the industries leading experts. Including news and information on all complimentary technologies such as Biometrics, Cryptography, NFC, RFID and SIM.
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Professional Security
Professional Security Magazine is regarded as the market-leading private security publication in the UK; we forge long term relationships and strategies with our customers. This helps us understand the long-term goals of our clients. It enables us to help, advise and provide an exceptional service that only comes from many years' experience of dealing with issues in a fast-moving vibrant market.
The established network of end users who rely on the magazine to provide a clearly presented and informative viewpoint on the current market is supported by both committed readers and advertisers. Professional Security Magazine is delivered to the desks of more than over 10,000 industry-specific decision-making and influencing people.
Find out more at: is a free-to-access information service that covers the issues surrounding supply chain and brand security. Our aim is to provide practical advice and intelligence to help manufacturers define and pursue their own strategies for tackling crime including counterfeiting, product diversion, adulteration and theft. We cover key developments in:
- Coding and track-and-trace technologies;
- The evolution of data standards;
- Overt, covert and forensic authentication systems;
- Cargo thefts and shipment security;
- Developments in the global regulatory environment;
- Enforcement actions and case studies; and much more.
The site incorporates breaking news and features, researched and written by specialist industry journalists and guest writers, as well as a regularly updated feed of external editorial from the world's press, a comprehensive and intuitive directory of security-related goods, technologies and services, plus the latest market research and events in supply chain security across multiple industrial sectors.
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Security Middle East
Security Middle East magazine and website provide the most successfully integrated media platform in the Middle East region. This bi-monthly magazine is the leading publication for security and safety across the GCC and Middle East with a verified circulation of 14,000 and wider readership of over 42,000 installers, integrators, suppliers and buyers. The web site is ranked No1 on most major search engines like Google and receives over 28,000 hits per month, providing a one-stop shop for news and products for installers and buyers in the region.
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Smart Insights
Smart Insights is the best information source on the Secure Transactions industry.
Smart Insights Weekly is a newsletter covering the smart card industry, its businesses, its technologies, its markets as well as its technology suppliers. Smart Insights covers all the major trends in the industry, it encompasses worldwide business, standardization bodies …
Smart Insights Reports are research reports providing key facts and figures as well as strategic insights about a technology, an area or a major issue in the secure transaction industry. Smart Insights Reports bring business modeling, forecasting and competitive analysis.
Smart Insights: facts . intelligence . now.
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Smithers Pira
Smithers Pira is the worldwide authority on the packaging, paper and print industry supply chains. We provide world-leading expertise and market intelligence, and offer a range of testing services supported by comprehensive facilities in the UK and US.
Smithers Pira has over 80 years’ technical and scientific experience, and help clients around the world with their business and testing requirements.
The company publishes an extensive portfolio of market intelligence studies on banknotes, personal identification card, anti-counterfeiting and brand protection technology, the lifecycle of currency, and a wide range of other security printing topics.
Please contact Adam Page at 113 or at to discuss your requirements.
Find out more at: is the world's leading security industry publication, with an audience of over 180,000 visits monthly. US Edition is specifically dedicated to the US and Americas security market. In addition to its unique and unrivalled comparative database of security products comprising over 18,000 products, including CCTV system, CCTV software, access control readers and intruder alarms detectors, content includes news & analysis, latest applications, and a directory of security companies and security events. The site also features in-depth coverage of products and applications in vertical markets such as airport & ports, healthcare and industrial & commercial security. Dedicated areas for network IP security and biometric security recognize the emergence and growth of these technologies, while experts from the industry contribute their valuable insights on business and technology trends. With its depth and breadth of content, is the definitive resource for the security industry.
Find out more at: and is a premier resource of professional events, providing the latest information on technology events for R&D, business development and marketing professionals in technology-intensive industries.
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Watermark magazine is the only Russian magazine about security products which provides exclusive information on security printing industry in Russia and the CIS countries.
Every issue contains the latest information on production of banknotes, ID-documents, holograms and other security products, articles on document checking devices, and reviews of the market of security products worldwide, in Russia and CIS countries.
The editorial board includes the Bank of Russian, national banks of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kirghizia, Ukraine and leading companies in the industry.
The Watermark is a bimonthly magazine in Russian with a biannual supplement in English.
To learn about current situation in security industry in Russia and the CIS countries and find potential suppliers, partners and customers please visit