Speakers » Ji Zheng

Are you prepared for change to a digital life? - A Frontline report from Estonia
Ji Zheng
Product Marketing Manager, Infineon Technologies AG
- Estonia has over 10 years’ experience in national eID card schemes, and is now planning the next steps;
- Managing change and upgrading the current service offerings to fit future needs are the major issues;
- Other vital demands include ensuring the high flexibility, adaptiveness and security of any solutions.
Estonia has blazed a unique trail in the digital identity revolution, with each of its 1.3 million citizens able to access securely and conveniently services such as eHeathCare, eTax and eVoting while on the move. Now 10 years after the establishment of this digital society, Estonia is upgrading the system to meet the growing challenges presented by the evolution of modern life.
Can the current infrastructure be changed?
Is the service extendable to new devices such as mobile and wearables?
Will changes cause public concern over privacy protection?
Together with Trüb Baltic and Infineon, the Estonian government is prepared to face future challenges with a joint solution. Estonia has chosen a flexible and secure platform, which is able to update digital content even after issuance. It can easily be extended via a speedy ISO interface. Using advanced cryptography such as Montgomery or Edwards curves, as well as Merkle hash trees, will help Estonia secure these systems over many years. Experience shows we must provide high flexibility, adaptiveness and security in our digital life.
Ji Zheng is currently a Marketing Manager in Infineon‘s Government ID business. He is responsible for technical marketing for Infineon‘s ID systems and solutions worldwide. His scope includes driving strategic marketing, as well specific customer projects and communication. Prior to joining Infineon, he worked for Siemens on various international projects.
Ji holds a diploma of Business Informatics from University of Regensburg Germany and has around 10 years of working experience. He is a Chinese national and now lives in Munich with his family.