Speakers » Michael Schlüter

SDW InterOp 2016 results
Michael Schlüter
Head of Production Management, secunet Security Networks, Germany
Interoperability between secure documents, such as ePassports, and document readers is critical to ensure the smooth and secure passage of citizens across borders. Be the first to hear the initial results of the SDW InterOp 2016 tests, which will answer how far suppliers have come in solving interoperability and conformity challenges. In particular the tests investigated the implementation of Supplemental Access Control (SAC) protocols and new security mechanisms such as ‘Password Authenticated Connection Establishment with Chip Authentication Mapping’ (PACE-CAM).
Michael Schlueter joined secunet in the year 2000. Since 2003 he has been involved in the standardization of ICAO-compliant eMRTDs, especially in the area of ePassport interoperability. On behalf of the German BSI he was Co-Editor of the first ICAO test plan for ePassport Conformity. As a member of the Essen Group and the Brussels Interoperability Group (BIG), he took part in all major interoperability events and was involved in the technical organisation of the Berlin InterOp 2006 and the SDW InterOp 2013. As secunet project manager he has led various ePassport and border control related projects.