Speakers » Caroline De Condé

Breeder documents and standardisation: Towards common best practices in Europe
Caroline De Condé
Standardization Project Manager, AFNOR, France
While ePassport issuance, checking, and revocation has been standardised and the passport itself is well protected by advanced security features, there is no such harmonisation at European level on Breeder documents. A minimum common set of recommendations will aim at harmonising processes of various Breeder documents to improve security by reducing identity fraud.
A standardization process may be considered to raise a first level agreement on a voluntary European deliverable and implement key recommendations raised by Origins on security issues.
Caroline de Condé represents the French Standardization Organization (Afnor) in Origins Project. She is Project Manager in charge of the standardization activities on various Identity issues in Afnor (mirroring ISO and CEN activities on Biometrics, Cards Identification, Electronic signature). She is secretary of the European Technical Committee (CEN/TC 224) focusing on the development of standards for strengthening the interoperability and security of personal identification in Europe (especially in the context of the Digital agenda). The Committee objective is also to reinforce harmonisation of identification services in order to level up the confidence of consumers in respect of quality, ergonomics and data privacy.