Speakers for SDW 2017 will be announced in Spring 2017.
For information, the list of speakers at SDW 2016 is below:

KEYNOTE: Alenka Prvinsek Persoglio
Legal identity versus digital identity

KEYNOTE: Mark Thomson
Project in Focus: Grand Designs - UK Passport

Malik Alibegovic
INTERPOL’s response to document fraud

Ray Batt
Securing the border and preventing fraud with identity assurance

Suzie Bégin
Breeder document requirements for passport issuance in Europe

Ronald Belser
How to establish the right identity before issuing an identity - or travel document

Jordan C. Brough
Optimising security features in three dimensions

Stéphane Caillebotte
Overview of the ORIGINS project

Rick Chandler
I move therefore I am

Jose Clastornik
The experience of Uruguay: Building trust for a digital society

Olivier Clémot
Digital ID, anywhere, anyhow, anytime

Caroline De Condé
Breeder documents and standardisation: Towards common best practices in Europe

Robert A Davidson
Integrating border management and passenger processing: A shared objective!

Manuel Deloche
Clear windows on ID documents: Futile feature or high security element?

Francis Deschrijvere
Security – Interoperability – Recognition: The three drivers of the new form of EU laissez-passer

Benjamin Drisch
The future of eID form factors

Paul Dunn
Fighting the fakes – With mobile phones, sunglasses… and sellotape!

David Everett
Living with untrusted software

Matthew Finn

Wayne Fletcher
Enabling security at time of personalization (S.T.O.P.)

Antonio Fulco
Ever smarter borders

Martin Fürbach
Are traditional security printing techniques and design becoming obsolete?

Eric Gilmore
Automated biometric processing and self-service to increase convenience for smarter borders and better identity verification

Monica Gariup

Gemma Galdon Clavell
Ethics and privacy in breeder document security

Marjo Geers
From electronic to mobile driving licences: Realization, personalization, issuance and maintenance

Aris L. Gulapa
Project Update: Philippine’s ePassport - What happened next?

Burçin Bozkurt Günay
Security gap analysis for passports and breeder documents

Alan Hodgson
Additive manufacturing – Threat or opportunity for secure documents?

Oostewald Immink
Lessons learned from instant issue of voter cards: Tanzania 2015

Oliver Jahnke
Detecting identity fraud at the border

Christopher Jänecke
Transplantation of a genuine OVD

Jana Krimpe
Mobile ID – Your mobile passport in the new generation government

Hans Wolfgang Kunz
Views from the Top

Andreas Lehmann
Are you prepared for change to a digital life? - A Frontline report from Estonia

Miguel Leitmann
Views from the Top

Mark Lockie

Laetitia Maddalena
Approaching ID fraud from two perspectives: Documentation and identity

Coralie Mesnard
National eID schemes: Opportunities and challenges

Jasper Mutsaers
Next generation e-passports

Martin Paljak
Are you prepared for change to a digital life? - A Frontline report from Estonia

Julian Payne
Secure citizen services – built on strong foundations

Fiona Penollar
Project in Focus: Grand Designs - New Irish Passport Card (including Online Application Process)

Howard Pope
A question of design: Identifying secure document fraud when only a copy is available

Yoram Oren
Project in focus: Grand designs - How to design a passport – design considerations for the Israeli e-passport

Olli-Pekka Rissanen
Finland’s eID market: A tricky situation

Michael Schlüter
SDW InterOp 2016 results

Frank Schmalz
Killer use cases for mobile based ID as a document replacement

Ulrich Schneider
Analysis of 2D barcodes in Syrian Passports – a way to tell genuine from false?

Uwe Seidel
Presentation: Best Practice Guidelines for Optical Machine Authentication

Tarvinder S. Sembhi
Fraud detection: Finding patterns/anomalies in data, relationships and process information, starting with Breeder Documents

Mike Sibly
The changing face of digital identity in Australia

Ludovic Simonneau
Lessons learned from instant issue of voter cards: Tanzania 2015

Tony Smith CBE
The SDW Fishbowl – Mass migration and the identity conundrum

Brian Somers
High-end counterfeits – The evolution of the species

Dr Selva Selvaratnam
Views from the Top

Nick Titcombe
Document Fraud – How’d they do that?

Robin P. Tran
Optimising security features in three dimensions

Erik van Dijk
What is required to build a ‘security chain’ in an eDocument Issuance program?

Jan van den Berg
Anti-photo substitution features are a ‘must’ in effective ID document design

Michiel van der Veen
Identity for all: Realizing the identity vision within the African context

Michael van Gestel
Trends in basic and additional security features

Yolanda Varuhaki
Breeder document requirements for passport issuance in Europe

Maarten Wegdam
Verifying ePassports with your smartphone: The good, the bad and the ugly

Julian White
Presentation: GOV.UK Verify – A digital identity solution for public services in the UK and across borders

Peter Wild
Interoperability Testing of Optical Security Document Readers in FastPass

Andreas M. Wolf
Fighting the hammer nose – The next ICAO Portrait Quality TR

Ji Zheng
Are you prepared for change to a digital life? - A Frontline report from Estonia